Revelry Food + Music Hub

Scope of Work:

Beam Craft worked as the installer of Mass Timber directly for Western Archrib of Edmonton, Mass Timber manufacturer.  This was a challenging project as it utilized glulam columns and beams along with GLT panels within an existing building space as part of the tenant improvement renovations for the new Revelry Food and Music Hub.  

Our professional team of mass timber installers used total station survey equipment to shoot the site slab conditions and relay to the production shop so full machining and cutting of the columns could be achieved in factory, without having to cut on site. This is an example of a collaborative effort between consultant, builder, mass timber manufacturer and installer and is typical of our approach to our projects.

It was a pleasure to work with local General Contractor, Hammer Construction, on this project and we hope to assist them on future mass timber work in the area.

Project Details

Kelowna, B.C.


Western Archrib

ISL Engineering

British Columbia